Friday, December 17, 2010

Aerial Instigator

Not really my most recent creation, but currently it is the most recent to have pictures taken. The Aerial Instigator is a medium sized fighter, with 2 quad blasters, 1 mounted on each of the two engines A cargo compartment sits behind the cockpit.

More pictures here on Brickshelf when the folder becomes public:

Also on flickr:

Monday, December 6, 2010

Family of Squid

L D M Gives us the the Squidmen, plus a human, all decked out in their Blacktron finest.
Dang, when are those series three going to get here?

Monday, November 29, 2010

It's just getting colder...

This creation by Chiefrocker9000 is very ironic, for up here in Canada, lots of snow has been coming down the last couple of weeks. The ship is also quite cool, though more pics would be nice. The snow covered stuff is easily the best part about.

Friday, November 26, 2010

100th post!

It's been awhile since I posted on of my Blacktron creations. However, after procrastinating a bit, I decided to finally post my largest SHIP to date (Spaceship, that is):

The Gamma Centauri, Slightly based off two of my previous ships, is 120 studs long, making it my biggest SHIP, not including any sailing ships I have made. Complete with a detailed (probably my most detailed yet) interior, a crew of about 20 (Just estimating) and utilizing those 10x10 quarter dishes that I said I would use, this is one of my best, if not THE best, Blacktron Ship I have built.

Folder with lots more pics:

In retrospect, maybe I should have saved it for my 120th post, seeing as it is 120 studs long. Ah well.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Another Vic viper form the infamous Blacktron 1

This one snazzy looking Blacktron I Vic Viper, obviously built for the annual Novvember thing, was built by Vengecore.

More pics:

Bigger is better, as the cliche goes

Salsariss brings us another rendition of the classic set, Allied Avenger, this one being a bit larger then the normal one, yet still retains all the classicness of the original set.

More pictures here:

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Vic Viper

Pasukaru does it again, with this neat Blacktron II Viv Viper, for the anual Novvember challenge on Flickr. Those prongs are just awesome. I wish I had some black ones of those.

Monday, October 25, 2010

There is always a bigger dish

Though in this case, it is "There is always a blacker dish". Built by Optimal Control (There seems to be repeating names on this blog...) Such a simple moc, but a very nice one. The dish itself is so simple, it's awesome!

On Flickr:

And in case you didn't get the title reference, check out Tranquility Base! Link is on the right somewheres

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Halloween is approaching

Moctagon Jones has a little scene to celebrate this holiday that fits the Blacktron theme ever so nicely. The mechanical Fleebnorks are easily my favorit part about this. The hat on the fig is also quite hilarious.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Verticalness is good?

Pasukaru apparently thinks so. Churning out a couple more Blacktron 3 MOCs, these two are both vertical starfighters based on sketches done by Shannon Ocean.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Can't get much smaller than this

Brickshelf user Legostein built this LOVELY little version of the classic set, 6887 Allied Avenger. The use of the hooks as the antennas are particularly ingenius
More pictures, plus instructions, can be found here:

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The guns are bigger than the cockpit

Not that it is a bad thing or anything. Pasukaru gives us another well designed space craft for the Blacktron III. It even has some nifty landing gear, something which you don't see much in very small space craft.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I feel sorry for the pilot

Pasukaru76 built this lovely little base for a contest on Flickr. The ship is of a rather unusual design, but it hits the Blacktron 2 spot right on!
More pics (And a backstory):

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hope you aren't afraid of bugs

If so, stay away for this Battle Ant, built by DJ quest.
The whole creation is very ant looking, and very Blacktron looking. The symbol on the head is also aptly placed.
Oh, and there is another bug (More of a spider, but lets not get technical):

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

They usually aren't so big

Vic Vipers are usually a lot smaller than this one. But the size of this is what makes up a good part the awesomeness that is the Blacktron Aggressor, built by DJ Quest.
Oh, and those Blacktron Symbols on the big things on top, are just win.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Color scheme is everyting...

Peter de Yeule has made a most inspiring creation, titled Blacktron Marauder. The color scheme is spot on, and the entire creation screams "This could've been a set!!! Anyways, more pics here:

Friday, July 23, 2010

Blacktron Albatros

Built buy Vid Legradic, this ship has it all. ANOTHER use for the previously useless quarter dome peices, plus the usual cockpits, makes this a peice of work. My only nitpick, is it could really use a couple anteneas thrown in there somewhere. I likes anteneas.

And nice going on the background, it really adds to the presentation.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Blacktron Greaver

It's been awhile since my last post, but with the opening of the Lego Store in Canada (WOOOT!!) and with Flickr acting up again, I have been a bit hard pressed to blog. I'll make it up by posting this very awesome creation by yoderism.

The cockpit, plus the smoothness, makes this an awesome ship, but then again, most ships are pretty awesome, at least if they are Blacktron.

More pictures:

Sunday, July 4, 2010

What Happens when you mix Blacktron and Space Police?

You get an awesome Blacktron-colored space truck, that is what! This is an older creation, but worth posting. Built by nolnet, this truck is both very spacey looking, and truck looking. The greeblies are also very well done, especially the SW blasters as exhaust pipes.

More pics:

Swooshable is what it is about.

This fighter, named Accipiter Attack fighter (It's even got an A to start the name, Bravo!) looks every bit the perfect swooshabe fighter.

This has got to be one of my favorite Blacktron creations to date. It's got a perfect shape, and lots of deatails, like the white greeblies. I like the white greeblies. I want to try that sometime.

More pics here:

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Old can still be new

The Blacktron 1 colorscheme is over 20 years old, but this creation by Slayerdread shows that it can still be new and inovative The use of the new style peices really gives this creation an edge.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Star Rider

A ship that I built, and I am very happy with the results. I used various designs from official Blacktron 2 sets, smashed them all together, and I got this result.

See more pics here, when folder is public:

Also got a pic on Flickr:

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Blacktron Snakebite

Just coming back from a place that has many snakes, this creation (well, the name, anyways) really popped out to me when I saw it on Flickr.

A very nice ship. Looks swooshable, and the color scheme is spot on. Well done!

Well worth a closer look:

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Blacktron 3 Vic Viper

For being only his second ship, George Kemper did a mighty fine job on this Vic Viper. Matches the Blacktron 3 perfectly.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Vroom Vroom!

With an awesome remote, an ... Unconventional?....shape, this little "beetle" is just plain awesome.
Oh, and it actually moves. More pics and lick to vidoe here:

Saturday, May 29, 2010


One of my creations this time.
Not much to say about it other than I wanted to build a ship with some massive guns on top, and hidden guns all over. Didn't succeed all to well. Too boxy, and all that. My next planned ship shouldn't be too boxy, so I am learning! I quite like my big fins on top, but it didn't really look so good since there was nothing to balance it out on the bottom.
More pics here:

Run Little Spaceman, Run!

Built by avuylsteke (of Flickr), this little mech is ready to grab your technology, and use it for the Blacktron 3's nefarious purposes! I really like the use of that bubble cockpit. I have found it is rather hard to use, so kudo's for that!

He also built a little diorama, featuring that same yellow Spaceman:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Another one!?!?!

This is the second ship to use those "useless" UFO Panels. Now I want to try and build a ship with em!
Built by Flickr user spaceruner, the Interruptor is quite a beauty! The coloschem is spot on, and the design is just flawless!
More pics here:

Black Hole

This slightly on the old side SHIP is one of massive proportions. Not much else to say than that, other than it is plain awesome. This is so big, it makes those big trans neon green peices look small!

I do, however, have a small nitpick about his. The white seems to scattered. I have had this problem, so I know what I am talking about.

But hey, It's a big Blacktron ship! Can't complain too much!

More pics here:

Monday, May 24, 2010

A new Blacktron 1 Base to spy on you

I can't get a picture to work (Flickr is down for me, curse you!) so I'll just Link to the best Blacktron 1 Base since Message Intercept Base came out way back when.

Thanks for the TBB for the link (Never would have found out about it, with Flickr down and all.)

ChiefRocker Rocks

Saturday, May 22, 2010

NBT Frigate

A lovely Frigate for the NBT. There may be a lot of grey, but it just give it that rugged feel to it. Well done Victor!
That little yellow arrow on the yellow stripe seems so perfect. I have no idea why, but it does.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Blacktron 3 Condor Dropship

A member of Eurobricks built this lovely Blacktron 3 ship using those rather useless UFO quarter dish pieces. It may be heavily based on a Certain Mars Mission ship, but I'll forgive him, seeing as he incorporated those near-useless pieces.

Link here:

(I can't seem to find it anywhere else, and he gave no links.)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Uniform fit for an Admiral

What else is there to say? HoundKnight is awesome, that is what.

Buy them here:

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

One Year and Counting

Today is Color it Blacktron's one year anniversary! To celebrate, I'll show you the latest form the NBT pool on Flickr.

Built by vynsane, this Blacktron short-range fighter, nnenn class, was built in the style of the nnenn fighter. Nnenn, unfortunately, passed away recently, and I am sure most people out there will miss him.
More pics here:

Thursday, April 1, 2010

WIP Blacktron II Moonase

Captain Redstorm is currently working on a VERY snazzy looking Blacktron II moonbase. Can't wait until it's done.

Click here to see a lot more pics:

A shipment of new MOCs

A builder form Flickr (Don't ask me to pronounce the username, for i am completely lost!) Just added a whole whack of new Blacktron creations. the one pictured above is my favorite of the lot, with all the asymmetry and all. And the name is such a lovely oxymoron.

Check the whole lot of them here on Flickr:

Friday, March 26, 2010

Bionicles aren't completely useless after all

RougeBantha does it again, with this un-named ship, built from a couple of Bionicle feet. Now that is what I call pure genious.

He also built a few other very well designed Blacktron 1 vehicles, all micro. Check them out here:

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

An old Fad, and a New Fad

What is better than a Neo Blacktron Cave Racer? Lots of stuff, but let's not go there.

I'm really liking those new big teeth. About the only good thing to come from that Atlantis set. (Though it does bear a striking reseblance to the Blacktron)

Built by burakki62 from Flickr:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Sweet Ride

Blacktrons ride in style. Another exellent creation by Chiefrocker.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pimped out Invader

Peter de Yeule built this wonderul version of a classic set. It even comes apart, just like the original (Follow the link to see!)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Best get out if it's way

Why build a big ship with lots of guns, when you can build a smaller one with more guns? Built by Aaron for the overcompensation challenge on Flickr.

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Skull Twin has a new ride.

A rather unique shape, but still pure Blacktron. The color scheme is right on, for starters. The use of the two half bubble pieces is quite cool, but I imagine Mr. Skull Twin in there doesn't stay put when the ship gets swooshed around.

Monday, February 1, 2010

An old Creation

It's not as if Blacktron is not being built by everyone, so every so often an old creation needs to be shown, just to keep this blog afloat. This little speeder is built by a person who normally builds Castle and Pirate MOCs.

It really reminds me of the SP3 alien Frenzy's little vehichle from Gold heist, but with a little more oomf. Oomf is good. The creater of this MOC said it isn't very good, but I have to disagree.

Monday, January 11, 2010


This is the first MOC that I have seen that uses the dice piece, though I suspect that there are more. Pasukara's Blacktron Wall-E is just the cutest thing out there, though I won't say that to Wall-E. He is liable to shoot you with that large gun of his.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Gamma Centauri

Another ship built from me. I built it wanting to use that big glass peice, and I think it turned out quite nicely.

Brickshelf Folder when public: