Monday, November 29, 2010

It's just getting colder...

This creation by Chiefrocker9000 is very ironic, for up here in Canada, lots of snow has been coming down the last couple of weeks. The ship is also quite cool, though more pics would be nice. The snow covered stuff is easily the best part about.

Friday, November 26, 2010

100th post!

It's been awhile since I posted on of my Blacktron creations. However, after procrastinating a bit, I decided to finally post my largest SHIP to date (Spaceship, that is):

The Gamma Centauri, Slightly based off two of my previous ships, is 120 studs long, making it my biggest SHIP, not including any sailing ships I have made. Complete with a detailed (probably my most detailed yet) interior, a crew of about 20 (Just estimating) and utilizing those 10x10 quarter dishes that I said I would use, this is one of my best, if not THE best, Blacktron Ship I have built.

Folder with lots more pics:

In retrospect, maybe I should have saved it for my 120th post, seeing as it is 120 studs long. Ah well.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Another Vic viper form the infamous Blacktron 1

This one snazzy looking Blacktron I Vic Viper, obviously built for the annual Novvember thing, was built by Vengecore.

More pics:

Bigger is better, as the cliche goes

Salsariss brings us another rendition of the classic set, Allied Avenger, this one being a bit larger then the normal one, yet still retains all the classicness of the original set.

More pictures here:

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Vic Viper

Pasukaru does it again, with this neat Blacktron II Viv Viper, for the anual Novvember challenge on Flickr. Those prongs are just awesome. I wish I had some black ones of those.