Saturday, May 26, 2018

Marching Mechs

A plethora of mechas have surfaced in the Blacktron Flickr group (My main source of Blacktron MOCs) so May as well post em all at once, eh?

First up, we have Eviscerator by ama77what.  A poseable mech with some Wolverine-like claws
Pico van Grootveld has a series of little "Raptors" which notable include a variant for both Blacktrons.

SupaFlyTNT has his Alienator V2. or as I like to call it, a very stompy mech. A very interesting take on the Blacktron 1 walker set. I feel it may have worked better without the arms.

And rounding this out is this nifty little transforming mech by 3D-foundry

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Battlestar Blacktron

I really am terrible at this blogging thing.

Anyways, Geoff Horswood has combined two excellent things, a Viper form BSG, and, you guessed it, Blacktron

My only complaint is that the nose should have some yellow on it. A yellow plate high stripe would go a long ways.