Saturday, October 19, 2013

Post con disorder

It is a well known fact that people get sick after Lego Conventions. This was the first year I have actually agreed with that. that, plus work and Thanksgiving (Up here in Canada, at any rate) I have neglected my blog here.

But taking a quick look, I haven't really missed much. It has been a slow time for Blacktron creations. there were a couple at Brickcon, and I shall show them.

First off, there was this nifty little ship that was parked on Hub 14. I don't know who built it, so and help would be great!
My full scale Dalek also made an appearance:
I brought the most Blacktron to Brickcon, for I also had my Epsilon Elnath, and a Micro ship along with me.
Looking forward to next year, and I hope to see more Blacktron creations!


  1. Saw all three of your ships! Awesome man! Keep it up!

    (And you should build with more Blacktron 1, I loved their logo :) )

    1. I actually have built a Blacktron 1 MOC recently. I totally forgot to post it!

  2. Hey, I actually built the Blacktron 1 VTOL for HUB-14!

    I've yet to put up any good pictures of it, but here you go:

    1. Thanks! I shall make sure to do a full post in the near future.
